Friday, October 29, 2010

final race update

Aloha Gunstock Racers,
I am finally in Hawaii and am loving the Aloha Spirit. I got the opportunity to run your half marathon and 5k course! It is really fun and beautiful. You will have a great time navigating the trails of the Gunstock Ranch. I actually saw cattle and horses! This course is most definitely a trail run so be prepared for the extra caution that brings. You'll want to watch your steps closely and please be courteous to those around you when the trails get narrow for small bits at a time. There are a lot of ups and downs and there are also some great flat spots on better roads where you can find your form and make up some time. There are spots on the course that the views are amazing! You'll even get to run by an old WWII bunker that I've heard may or may not be haunted! The course will be marked really well. The yellow ribbons indicate the 5k course and the blue indicate the half course on the way out and pink are the half course on the way back. We will have volunteers on the course pointing the way to go so pay close attention to them. Listen as well because at the spot that the 5k runners break off from the half runners, you want to make sure you go the right way. It would also be a good idea to study the map that was sent out with the last update. Remember all the updates are on the blog (please read these if you just registered!)

I got to run the course in the mud and the rain which was an extra fun challenge I'm not wishing for you, so send all your postiive vibes out there that it will dry up until Saturday Afternoon!

Just a reminder that number pick-up begins at 5:30 a.m and goes until 6:30 a.m. Please be there in time to pick up your number by 6:30 so we can start on time!

Both races begin at 7 a.m.

There will be an awards ceremony for each race:
5k at 8 a.m.
half marathon at 9:30 a.m.

We will have a few vendors selling food after the race if you want to bring some extra money!

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